Realme 6 Pro rocks the fresh Snapdragon 720G chipset. Built on an 8nm process it's a 2.3GHz octa-core Kryo 465 CPU, an Adreno 618 GPU and either 6GB or 8GB RAM. The Realme 6 Pro sports a 6.6” LCD with 90Hz refresh rate and FullHD+ resolution, which features a pill-shaped punch hole that hosts two selfie cameras. Those include a 16MP f/2.0 Sony IMX471 module and an 8MP ultrawide snapper with a 105-degree field of view. Realme 6 Pro in Lightning Blue and Lightning Orange The setup on the rear is additionally impressive - the most 64MP camera is amid a 12MP f/2.5 telephoto shooter, an 8MP ultrawide angle snapper, and 2MP macro lens. The Realme 6 Pro supports UIS and UIS Max Video Stabilization. Realme 6 and Realme 6 Pro are official with 30W fast charging, 90 Hz displays The battery of the Realme 6 Pro is that the same as its vanilla sibling - 4,300mAh cell with support for 30W fast charging. Both phones even have Realme UI with Android 10 serving as a base, and therefore the Pro supports NavIC - India’s own satellite navigation system. The Realme 6 Pro is on pre-order now ranging from INR16,999 ($232) for the 6/64GB version. Its 6/128GB version is INR17,999 ($245), while the highest 8/128 GB option is INR18,999 ($260). First sale is scheduled for March 13 on Flipkart, Realme's own store and offline retailers.

Sale on 13th March

Real me 6 Pro from ₹16,999